A non-tobacco ritual blend, Four Winds Smoking Blend is created using Coltsfoot, Mullein, Mugwort in a blend especially crafted for wisdom, visions, protection, courage, psychic strength, and astral travel. Blend includes: Mullen, Coltsfoot and Mugwort.
Agrimony is often used in spells, rituals and mojo bags to protect from and expel negative energies and influences. Agrimony is also connected to Masculine Energy, Jupiter and Air.
Alfalfa is traditionally used as an herb of prosperity and money gathering and as proof against hunger due to a lack of money. It is also connected to Feminine Energy, Venus and Earth.
Anise Star is a well known ingredient in protective and meditative incenses and is sometimes used as a charm for these purposes. It is also connected to Masculine Energy, Jupiter and Air.
Especially potent on the summer solstice; bunches are gathered in fields and burnt as offerings to ensure a good harvest. It is also associated with Feminine Energy, Saturn and Earth.
Barberry is sometimes called Holy Thorn or Jaundice Berry. It has been used for fabric dye and in medicine. It can be used to banish or create a barrier from negativity.
Bay leaves are the laurels of myth and legend worn by Roman and Greek victors, and are said to be useful in creating essential oils, spells of wisdom, clairvoyance, protection and healing.
With uses traced back to the Native American's teachings to early settlers, Black Cohosh root has been added to mojo or dream bags and other magical works.
Black Hawaiian Lava Sea Salt - Gourmet Salt. Enjoy this USA culinary salt: Solar evaporated Sea Salt from the Hawaiian island of Molokai 'coated' with activated coconut - shell charcoal. Whether you are making magic, seasoning your favorite dish, or invoking Pele, or whatever you have in mind, you will find everything enhanced with this wonderful product.
Camphor is well known for its ability to help restore spiritual vigor and renew the spirit. Some also believe it can aid with psychic abilities and prophetic dreams.
Particularly useful for those seeking good luck, Chamomile can be quite helpful when seeking love and prosperity. Its aromatic scent also helps soothe mind and body, making it useful for meditation.
Known as a spice, Cinnamon is also quite potent in healing magic, and spells of protection and passion. It is associated with fire and the sun, and often used for meditation.
Known as a spice, Cinnamon is also quite potent in healing magic, and spells of protection and passion. It is associated with fire and the sun, and often used for meditation.
Said to increase magical energy and aid in divination spells, Damiana leaf is also believed to be of use in dream magic and clairvoyance, as well as sex magic.
Used as incense in medieval Northern Europe, Dog Grass Root has also been used to treat the pain of urinary infection since classical Greece. Also called: Couch Grass, Kusha, Witch, and Quack grass. Has been known as far as India centuries ago for many uses. In Hoodoo: draw or break up lovers, afflict or remedy friend or foe.
Eleuthecoccus senticosus is very close to Ginseng and can be used to similar effect. It is noted for its usefulness in ritual, spell and meditation work in helping to overcome outside stress and grant inner strength and resilience. It is also associated with Masculine energy, the Sun and Fire and may be used in work seeking these influences.