Sweetgrass is believed to possess great power and is considered a sacred plant. Fill your environment with this sweet scent while purifying and cleansing your area. HEM product hand crafted in India with 20 sticks per box.
This fragrant stick incense mixture of the finest oriental woods and amber have been blended together and rolled by hand in accordance to ancient wisdom to help open and purify the Vishuddha Chakra, improving the ability to communicate and attain wisdom. The Visuddha Chakra, the fifth energetic center, is situated at the base of the neck and connects us with the element of ether. Prabhuji...
These incense sticks offer you the pure scent of White Copal, using natural resin in their creation rather than oil based scents. It is perfect for purification and love spells.
White sage is popularly burned in smudging rituals, where its fragrance is of great benefit for purification, cleansing, and protection within modern practices.
This rich combination of vanilla, copal and amber brings to mind the feelings of cleanliness, purity, freshness and innocence. Its fragrance will change the mood of your whole day. Yamuna was the first incense offered by Prabhuji's Gifts and remains the best seller. After lighting a handmade stick of Yamuna incense, sit to meditate, practice yoga, read a book or simply